Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Bahala na si Batman" Attitude in Personal Finance

If I'm not mistaken "Bahala Na" approach is one of the Filipino cultural trait which is situationally based, that is to say, its meaning can best be understood in a situational setting. In this regard, I would like to pin point the "Bahala Na" attitude of us Pinoys towards financial handling given the benefit of a doubt that, we actually have sufficient enough to cover our priorities only that we mismanage it.

It's quite funny sometime that even the famous superhero is being involve with this expression. Like the "Bahala Na si Batman", perhaps, it is a funny expression for us to comfort ourselves when we are caught in a compromising situation where it seems like no immediate solution. Or, is it simply a sign that we are lacking in planning in which we tend to anyhow do or decide on something without thinking of the consequences that may arise later? In relation to personal finance, this type of attitude could be problematic not just towards ourselves but also to our friends, neighbours and relatives, in which, sometimes we are not aware as we tend to don't care as long as we solve our own first. Like say for instance, just after our payday instead of doing budgeting to plan our expenses, we spend something that is really not within our priority affecting the rest of daily expenses and, we know that it will, so at that moment, we tend to just say "Bahala Na si Batman" implying that somehow somebody or comically Batman will take care of the rest. Though, somehow it could ease the feeling of worries nevertheless still is an illusion and, I guess we are aware of that. So, what we really mean I think when we say this expression is that, we are expecting someone, our friends, neighbors or relatives perhaps to lend us their help monetarily should we run out of money already.

The bottom line I guess is that to prevent this kind of compromising situation and to avoid disturbing someone. Why not learn to plan our expenses via effective budgeting, it may seem hard at first but like any other instances in life, it's always not easy in the beginning, only by constantly doing it will make it slowly easier until it become a habit and, if it become one, we might even feel like our day is lacking without it being done the same as any other habit would feel. 

Click to read: The first Step: Manage your Cashflow


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