Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Good Man Leaves an Inheritance to His Children's Children

As good parents we ought to try our very best to leave inheritance not just to our children but to our children's children. But, for that to materialised in the future, the first step I guess is to educate ourselves to become financially savvy as early as possible. One thing I learned so far is that time is really valuable if not the key for it to become reality. The early we are financially educated and is acting upon it the longer the time frame our savings will work for itself. Perhaps, you don't have an idea or confused of what I'm saying right now but, once you understand how compounding money works you'll appreciate more what is TIME in relation to savings. Have you known someone who just spend 1 year worth of their salary for one grand extravagant feast? Yet, not bothered about the expenses incurred because as he or she say, that 1 year worth of salary can still be earned next year. Well, I guess it's okay if:

(1) We have accumulated enough savings already, and that 1 year is just a pinch of our savings 

(2) We are young and our parents are rich and money is not really an issue 

(3) Our time in this world is counted, I mean what for is the used of savings if by few years we are gone anyway unless of course we're saving for someone else 

(4) Though not rich, but still young and still have few years to waste for foolishness. 

But, if we are just trying to make an impression and is not one of the mentioned above, who are we fooling? I guess ourselves. Being financially educated, we're supposed to realised that at least small portion of that 1 year worth of extravagant feast could have started growing or already have grown by now. 

What's my point? If we have learned to become financially savvy after throwing the feast at a very late stage of our life, we'll have no enough time frame for our savings to grow, this time around, time is against us no matter how we try. So, we end up depending on our luck (lotto and other alike) or we depends on our children's and perhaps their children's too. 

How does this relate to the subject? If we intend as parents to leave inheritance to our children's children, we better be financially educated and ACT upon it while time is still in favour of us. Otherwise, no matter how we try later on, like what I said, we'll either depend on luck (lotto) or perhaps the government (pension) or on our children itself or ALL

Read How to Manage Cashflow: Click here
Read The Importance of Emergency Fund: Click here

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